Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fountain to Dodge City - across the praries

Everyone was ready to go by 7 this morning, so it was a good early start. Clint put some air in his tyres, and in Kansas you have to pay for it .75c for 4 mins. Not in all states luckily.

The ride today was through the country / rural parts of Colorado to Kansas. Long, straight double road highways for most of the way. The country is very dry, and very dusty. Some of the paddocks are being burnt off causing lots of smoke, which we had to ride thru. Corn appears to be the main crop, saw lots of different silo's. We also saw some wheat crops.

There were a number of cattle feed lots, acre upon acre of yards filled with 100's & 100's of cattle. Also saw a few lama's and quite a few horses. Very few sheep sighted.

Arrived at Dodge City and checked in while Clint & Charleen went on into town to get a new back tyre. Much happier now that has been changed.

We've all just come back from the most delicious tea at a Thai Restuarant - boy was it good!
Off to Tulsa tomorrow for a 3 day stay and the Wing Ding. Have seen lots of Gold Wings, the bikes, trikes with trailers, and one with a sidecar as well. Guess we'll be seeing lots lots more tomorrow.
Just outside Fountain, healthy corn crop
Countryside scenes

Buildings are made from pressed wood & timber frames, later covered
One of the cattle feed lots
Entry to Dodge City


  1. Hi K&C

    looks like te fun is continuing you thought you would like to know that t is very cold (freezing) and raining in melbourne

    Ride safe greta pics by the way


  2. Hi there mum and dad. I can't believe you are at the Wing Ding tomorrow! Years of dreaming and planning and now you are living it! We check in daily and love your stories and pictures. All is great at home and we send our love and kisses. Wynter is very good at saying America now when he enquires about nana and bapa. Love Kerri, Indy and Wynter
